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Singapore Apartment Rentals Surge by 16.8%, While HDB Market Demand Remains Weak
Singapore Apartment Rentals Surge by 16.8%, While HDB Market Demand Remains Weak
In June, Singapore’s apartment rental market saw a significant rebound, with leasing volumes increasing by 16.8% month-on-month, successfully reversing the decline observed in May. However, preliminary data released on July 18 by SRX and 99.co indicate that rental performance varied across different regions, with overall rents remaining stable.
Jul 22, 2024
Singapore Apartment Rentals Surge by 16.8%, While HDB Market Demand Remains Weak
Singapore Apartment Rentals Surge by 16.8%, While HDB Market Demand Remains WeakSingapore Apartment Rentals Surge by 16.8%, While HDB Market Demand Remains Weak
Jul 22, 2024
Orchard Road Reaches New Milestone: CDL Acquires Delfi Orchard, Boosting Regional Development
Orchard Road Reaches New Milestone: CDL Acquires Delfi Orchard, Boosting Regional DevelopmentOrchard Road Reaches New Milestone: CDL Acquires Delfi Orchard, Boosting Regional Development
Jul 19, 2024
Singapore Real Estate Market: Background and Challenges of Lackluster Sales in the First Half of 2024
Singapore Real Estate Market: Background and Challenges of Lackluster Sales in the First Half of 2024Singapore Real Estate Market: Background and Challenges of Lackluster Sales in the First Half of 2024
Jul 18, 2024
Singapore Private Residential Market Rebounds from Bottom: Analysis of Sales Prospects Amid Supply Challenges
Singapore Private Residential Market Rebounds from Bottom: Analysis of Sales Prospects Amid Supply ChallengesSingapore Private Residential Market Rebounds from Bottom: Analysis of Sales Prospects Amid Supply Challenges
Jul 17, 2024
Cuscaden Reserve Luxury Condominium Launches Special Promotion: Selected Units at $2,850 per Square Foot
Cuscaden Reserve Luxury Condominium Launches Special Promotion: Selected Units at $2,850 per Square FootCuscaden Reserve Luxury Condominium Launches Special Promotion: Selected Units at $2,850 per Square Foot
Jul 16, 2024
The first weekend of the new Jurong Lake District project: SORA Waterfront Garden challenges market caution
The first weekend of the new Jurong Lake District project: SORA Waterfront Garden challenges market cautionThe first weekend of the new Jurong Lake District project: SORA Waterfront Garden challenges market caution
Jul 15, 2024
Singapore real estate market stability outlook and policy impact in the first half of the year
Singapore real estate market stability outlook and policy impact in the first half of the yearSingapore real estate market stability outlook and policy impact in the first half of the year
Jul 11, 2024
Singapore Real Estate Market: Mixed-Use Developments on the Rise
Singapore Real Estate Market: Mixed-Use Developments on the RiseSingapore Real Estate Market: Mixed-Use Developments on the Rise
Jul 9, 2024
Singapore Q2 Private Home Price Growth Slows: Multiple Factors Impact the Market
Singapore Q2 Private Home Price Growth Slows: Multiple Factors Impact the MarketSingapore Q2 Private Home Price Growth Slows: Multiple Factors Impact the Market
Jul 8, 2024
Singapore Housing Prices Hit 10-Year Low in 2024
Singapore Housing Prices Hit 10-Year Low in 2024Singapore Housing Prices Hit 10-Year Low in 2024
Jul 5, 2024
Thomson View Garden Collective Sale for Development into a Mega Residential Project
Thomson View Garden Collective Sale for Development into a Mega Residential ProjectThomson View Garden Collective Sale for Development into a Mega Residential Project
Jul 4, 2024
Singapore Real Estate Market: Policy Adjustments and Market Outlook Amid Slowing Growth
Singapore Real Estate Market: Policy Adjustments and Market Outlook Amid Slowing GrowthSingapore Real Estate Market: Policy Adjustments and Market Outlook Amid Slowing Growth
Jul 3, 2024
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