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79 couples fail to submit marriage certificates six months after receiving keys to HDB flats
79 couples fail to submit marriage certificates six months after receiving keys to HDB flats 新加坡
By   shicheng
  • 城市報
  • Application for HDB Flats
  • HDB Flats
  • Marriage HDB Flats
Abstract: A total of 79 couples who applied for HDB flats under the Unmarried Couples Scheme in the decade to the end of last year have not submitted their marriage certificates to the authorities more than six months after receiving the keys.

Replying to a parliamentary query, Minister in the Prime Minister's Office and Second Minister for National Development and Finance, Ms Ieng Lan Nee, said the HDB had allowed one of the applicants in three of the cases to keep the flat after adding the family members originally listed in the application form.


Two couples had their HDB flats forcibly recovered by the authorities. The other five couples chose to give up their flats.


The remaining cases were couples who had recently purchased HDB flats and many of them indicated that it was difficult to consummate their marriage during the coronary disease epidemic.


Under the unmarried couples application scheme, couples must submit their marriage certificates within three months of receiving the keys to their HDB flats.


For those couples who need more time to submit their marriage certificates, HDB will exercise discretion on a case-by-case basis and may extend the deadline by up to three months," said Ms Ying.

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79 couples fail to submit marriage certificates six months after receiving keys to HDB flats
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